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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Louis - today's subject for a sketch

Louis Posted by Picasa

Louis has been very cuddly today - he has wanted to be cuddled, and especially sit on my lap, at every opportunity. Most of the day has been spent sitting as close to me as possible, preferably touching. Just like a baby! He has spent a lot of time just lying down, not necessarily sleeping.

I use my visual diary a lot. Last year I bought a beautiful bound diary - no spiral but a proper bound book and it is beautiful. It is not a showcase journal, but a working, messy diary with quotes, dreadful drawings, okay drawings and sketches and a place to put together ideas and explore issues that are bothering me so much that I have to remove them from my mind and place them on paper. This gives me the opportunity to really judge the ideas for their value and potential usefulness.

One thing that I have failed to do ever since I began using a visual diary is to use colour. Most of my diary pages are in plain black 0.4 Artline pen which can be a bit boring (even though I love the patterns of the past few weeks). So, one of my concerted goals for the next twelve months is to use more colour in my diary.

This brings me to today's sketch of the little dog - I used watercolour pencils, not without a considerable degree of terror. Why do I find colour more difficult to work with than a black pen? Is it because I am used to the pen and afraid of the colours? Time to get over this nonsense and just do it.

Oh and PS - I know it isn't the world's greatest doggie sketch, but Louis really does have big ears. We always hoped he would grow into them, but he hasn't.


  • All the better to hear you with. I know another certain pooch who also has 'Dumbo' syndrome. Just makes them all the more luvable. :o)

    By Blogger Terri, at 1:59 pm  

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